Mikael Rubin, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor of Clinical Psychology

Curriculum vitae

mrubin [at] paloaltou.edu


Palo Alto University

360º-video virtual reality intervention for social anxiety


Attention guidance augmentation of virtual reality exposure therapy for social anxiety disorder: a pilot randomized controlled trial

Mikael Rubin, Karl Muller, Mary M. Hayhoe, Michael J. Telch

Cognitive Behaviour Therapy, 2022 Apr, pp. 1--17

Avoidance of social threat: Evidence from eye movements during a public speaking challenge using 360°- video

Mikael Rubin, Sean Minns, Karl Muller, Matthew H. Tong, Mary M. Hayhoe, Michael J. Telch

Behaviour Research and Therapy, vol. 134, 2020 Nov, p. 103706


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